Ah, life. How unfair, yet healing it is that you continue on, regardless of the events within. I have wished you would stop countless times. I have wished you fast forward countless times. Yet, you ignore my wishes and steadily carry on, knowing better than I.
Steps have been taken and lost over these past few months. Mostly lost, but still, progress towards a little healing has been made. Unfelt, invisible, but still there in my days. My memories begin to hold not only intense pain, but also joy. I can sometimes envision his face without sobbing now, and the thought of his little nose and toes can bring a smile, when before there was only tears.
I carry my inked likeness of his tiny feet with intense passion and love, tenderly stroking the outlines of his baby feet daily. All of these things say "He was here." At this point, I can ask no more. Though there are so many moments that all I can choke out are pleas for his presence, there are now moments, amazingly, that I am able to acknowledge my gratefulness for his time with me.
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